Mar 8, 2010

Confucius Biography

"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones"

Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart.
Confucius was a wise sage who sought to educate his fellow citizens on the ancient wisdom of moral precepts.

He was born around 551BC to a modest family. His father was a soldier and his mother educated him in the ancient ceremonies, poetry, music and etiquette of the ancient courts. Confucius was fascinated with these moral and cultural precepts known as 'Li' However, he was born in a time of religious and cultural decline. The great Chou dynasty was in decline and it was being replaced by petty fiefdoms fighting for supremacy.

After the death of his mother, Confucius spent 3 years in seclusion and bereavement; this enabled him to focus on his philosophic ideals. On the end of his period of seclusion, he became a teacher, teaching people from all classes in the ancient arts of Li. Confucius soon became the acknowledged expert in the art of Li and he became chief sage to the Duke of Lu. However, the duke of Lu was expelled from his city by a revolt of ministers. Confucius followed him into exile and spent the next 14 years perfection the ancient codes of conduct and morality.

Confucius did not claim miracles or any divinity, but had great faith in the power of education, respect of the past, righteous conduct, and reform of corrupt practises.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoy reading blog post. We can say he was real hero of Chinese People.
